

Viviane Schneider

Recently Published

Predicting Austin Incidents with Machine Learning
Using Incident Austin open data to predict a priority 1 incidents with machine learning, comparing Linear Model with Random Forest Model. In this case, I built regression models to predict a numeric or continuous variable.
Woad Dashboord
App - Human Factors 2
Aplicativo HF2
text mining comunicação
Text Mining Persona
Uso de personas para analisar texto
Points & Hours at Software industry
More hours of work means more productivity? In this experiment, I made a statistical analysis that compares points made in weeks with 8 hours/day of work versus weeks with 7 hours/day of work, for the same employee from a software company. Results show us that there is no difference, statistically significant, between the points made per week with 8 hours/day of work and weeks with 7 hours/day of work. When I asked the employee about it, he told me after 7 hours of work, his mind start to be tired, and he can't produce too much more.
Gestao e arvore de decisao
Woad Analysis 3 decades
Woad Database Analysis
Análise exploratória de dados de acidentes
Text Mining HF Framework
Text Mining GO
Context of Coherence
PhD. Work applied to coproduction
Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)
Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)
Madrid and TECNOPUC Kruskal-Wallis
From Marilei Osinski - PhD. Work analysis
Estudo sobre a relação entre diversidade e produtividade. Feito a partir da tese de Vivian Alves
Pos-graduacao e tecnologia
WP Descriptive analysis - Refactored-twice
Code Refactored - Descriptive analysis - Univariate description about production of WordPress Core Community
Análise exploratória programas&docentes
Análise exploratória dos dados de programas de ciência da computação e multi e interdisciplinaridade
WP Descriptive analysis Part II- Refactored
Code Refactored - Descriptive analysis - Bivariate description about production of WordPress Core Community
WP Descriptive analysis - Refactored
Code Refactored - Descriptive analysis - Univariate description about production of WordPress Core Community
WP Descriptive analysis - Part II
Descriptive analysis - Bivariable description about production of WordPress Core Community
WP Descriptive analysis
Descriptive analysis - Univariate description about production of WordPress Core Community