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This experiment will compare pairwise deletion, pairwise inclusion, and whole brain masking image comparisons done with untresholded vs thresholded (Z=1.96) images against a gold standard of unthresholded vs. untresholded images
A visualization to explore the similarity metric scores for one unthresholded image (134) against a set of 144 (total) for 16 thresholds across a set of similarity metrics.
HCP Network Analysis
Simple heatmap clustering and network analysis example with connectivity data from HCP (Human Connectome Project)
Brain Map Distributions
in progress
Assessing Significance
An example with a brain map.
Shapley Test - Ending
The last part of the Shapley value test to show that there are not overlap of probes between the up and down sets!
Testing Shapley Values
This is testing using shapley value regression to choose a set of "important" up and down regulated probes. We were originally doing a two sample t test to compare relatively up and down conditions, and this (I think) was incorrect - we would want to do a single t test for each of up and down!
Analysis of Affymetrix .CEL Files
This tutorial walks through analysis of microarray expression data from the affymetrix platform in R
Assessing Allen Brain Atlas Sample Spatial Locations
This script will read in data frame of sample structure IDs and MNI coordinates, and see if there is any overlap between coordinates. The point of this is because if we write a brain image (.nii file), we can only have one value per voxel