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Interactive crime map showing all crimes in England, Wales and N.Ireland (Jan 2014)
Map created using package 'rCrimemap' and published using the publish function in 'rCharts'
ggplot2 Reference and Examples (Part 2) - Colours
The main purpose of this reference card is to provide a quick reference to the parameters needed for various colour settings.
ggplot2 Reference and Examples (Part 1) - Basics
One of my goals this year is to master the art of graphics in R with ggplot2. Unfortunately, my brain can't cope with all the details. That's why I decided to create this page as a R graphics cheat sheet for years to come. Most of the examples are based on the wonderful book “ggplot2 - Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis” by Hadley Wickham (the author of ggplot2)
R Package {caret} Visualization Examples
My first RPubs document