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WSDOT Future of Telework
September 2020
WSDOT Future of Telework Breakdowns
September 2020
WSDOT 2020 telework survey
WSDOT Public Transportation Division
May 2020
In support of Governor Inslee’s “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” emergency order, WSDOT moved to widespread and full-time telework in March of 2020. To better understand the effects and determine opportunities to improve teleworking, WSDOT conducted an agency-wide survey from April 15-24, 2020. More than 50 percent of staff responded
This report contains the following:
key survey takeaways
summary of open response comments
additional analysis
information about respondents new to telework
large-scale breakdowns and comparisons by regions, divisions, and WSF
additional breakdowns by some organizations, departments, and offices
For more information, please contact Michael Wandler at or Christie Stelzig at