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Attraction-Park Visitors
Predicting number of visitors with a few models
Survival Analysis
Survival Analysis Framework with Kaplan Meier and Cox Proportional hazard models.
A shiny app has also been developed for this project.
3_PredNext Language Models
Third document of the Capstone/Swiftkey project. I explore different algorithms and methods such as stupid backoff, Kneser Ney, Katz backoff ...
Milestone report for Coursera Data Science Capstone project with Johns Hugues University.
Predicting next word with ngram language models.
Pitch Presentation - PredNext
Language Models for predicting the next word in a sentence
Coursera - Johns Hopkins Data Science Specialization - Practical Machine Learning - Course Project
Coursera Regression Models Course Project - Motor Trend, impact of transmission type on MPG
The purpose of the project is to provide the magazine “Motor Trend” with an analysis of the relationship between automatic/manual transmission and MPG (miles per gallon). We need to answer 2 questions:
- “Is an automatic or manual transmission better for MPG”
- “Quantify the MPG difference between automatic and manual transmissions”