

Margaret Swift

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ODD Protocol
ODD Protocol for the KAZA Elephant Fencing Project Partners: WWF and AHEAD (Cornell K. Lisa Yang Center for Wildlife Health) Funding: Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability
Ellerbe Creek Cleanup Tutorial
In ecology and watershed sciences, large datasets often come from a variety of sources like continuous automated sensors, water grab samples, and community-collected scientific data. Overcoming these challenges is critical to explore the prevalence, persistence, and impact of degraded water quality on human society and wildlife. This project exposes students to approaches for merging and cleaning two disparate data sources, basic tools for statistical analyses, and data visualization. This project was conducted with funding from Duke University's Data Expeditions Initiative.
Functions to prettify GJAM output
Part 1: Exploratory Data Analysis with eBird data
Welcome to Part 1 of our eBird dataset tutorial! If you missed it, Part 0 is all about downloading and filtering eBird data (data.RData in this tutorial). Part 2 applies the basic exploratory data analysis lessons learned in this tutorial to some real-world analysis of hurricanes’ effects on birds in North Carolina.
Publish Document
Publish Document
Module 02: Just the Basics
Part of the "Introduction to R"series for ENV710 2020 Fall Semester virtual class at Duke University.
Golden Rules
Some Golden Rules I try to stick to while programming. This is a supplement to my "Introduction to R" series, first module here:
Module 03: Help, Something's Broken!
Part of the "Introduction to R"series for ENV710 2020 Fall Semester virtual class at Duke University.
Module 01: Orientation
Part of the "Introduction to R"series. Downloading and installing R and RStudio, an orientation to the panes in RStudio.