

Mark Bounthavong

Recently Published

Stata - marginsplot & mplotoffset commands for plotting average marginal effects
A tutorial that revieweed some basic features of the marginsplot and mplotoffset commands and provide some practical examples of customization.
Prepost analysis with continuous data using R - Part 1
This is a tutorial on how to perform simple prepost analysis using R.
Linear spline (Piecewise) model in Stata
This is a tutorial on how to construct linear spline (also known as piecewise) models using Stata.
Tips and Tricks (Guide) - R and RStudio
This is a collection of tips and tricks for R and RStudio.
Distributions in cost-effectiveness analysis
This is a tutorial on how to generate common distributions for performing a probabilistic sensitivity analysis for a cost-effectiveness analysis.
Mediation analysis using R
A tutorial on how to perform mediation analysis using R.
Staggered Difference-in-Differences using R
This is the Callaway & Sant'Anna staggered difference-in-differences framework using R
R - Loading data from Google drive
A tutorial on how to load data from Google drive into an R environment
Presentations with R Markdown - Part 3: Font colors
This is part 3 on how to construct a presentation using R Markdown. This part will focus on changing font colors.
Surival Analysis - Immortal Time Bias in Stata
A survival analysis tutorial addressing immortal time bias using a time-varying predictor in Stata
Constructing a Markov Model using Excel: A tutorial
A tutorial on how to construct a Markov model using Excel.
MEPS Tutorial 7 - Helpful notes
This is a tutorial on MEPS and my notes that I found helpful.
MEPS Tutorial 6 - Interrupted Time Series Analysis (ITSA) with R: A Short Tutorial
A tutorial on how to perform simple trend analysis with R using linear regression models.
MEPS Tutorial 5 - Simple Trend Analysis with Linear Models
A tutorial on how to perform simple trend analysis with R using linear regression models.
MEPS Tutorial 4 - Using condition-event link (CLNK) file
This is a tutorial on how to apply the MEPS link file to merge the conditions and events files in R
Interrupted time series analysis (ITSA) with Stata
A tutorial on constructing ITSA models using Stata
Exact matching using R - MatchIt package
A tutorial on performing exact matching using the MatchIt package in R.
Building a book using the bookdown package in R - Part 2: Chapters and References
This is the second in a series of how to create an e-book using bookdown
Building a book using the bookdown package in R - Part 1: Introduction
Tutorial on how to build a book using the R bookdown package.
Building HTML Presentation using R Markdown - Part 2: Add new slides
This is the second part of a series on how to create presentation using R Markdown.
Tweedie distribution for GLM gamma model
This is a tutorial on how to construct a Tweedie GLM Gamma model using an identity link for costs data. I used the MEPS data from 2020 for this tutorial.
Two-part model - Application with cost data using R
This R tutorial review how to use the two-part model for cost data.
Building HTML Presentation using R Markdown - Part 1: Introduction
This is the first tutorial on how to construct an HTML presentation using R Markdown.
Interpreting Regression Models
Short explanation of how to interpret regression coefficients
MEPS Tutorial 3 - Applying weights
This is a tutorial on how to apply survey weights with MEPS data in R
MEPS Tutorial 2 - Merging Data into R
This is a tutorial on how to merge MEPS data files with R.
MEPS Tutorial 1 - Loading data into R
This is a tutorial on how to load MEPS data into R.
Stata tutorial - Add 95% Confidence Intervals to Two-way Line Plot
This is a Stata tutorial on how to add 95% CI to a two-way line plot.
R Plotly - Bar Charts
A tutorial on using plotly in an R Markdown project.
Sample Size estimation using odds ratio in a case-control study
A short tutorial on using the epiR package to estimate sample size for a case-control trial based on the odds ratio.
Survival analysis in R
Tutorial on using R to perform survival analysis
Linear Regression models using R
This is a tutorial on how to use R to build and validate linear regression models
Confounding and Interaction
R tutorial on confounding and interaction using epitools and epiR package
Sample size estimation and Power analysis in R
This is a tutorial on how perform some basic sample size estimates and power analysis using the R "pwr" package.
Logistic Regression in R - Part 2 (Goodness of fit)
This is the second part of how to perform logistic regression in R. I focus on using goodness of fit tests to determine if the logistic regression model we specified is a good fit of the observed data.
Logistic Regression in R
This is a tutorial on how to construct logistic regression models in R.
Visualizing Linear Regression Models
A brief R tutorial on how to visualize the output of linear regression models.
Forest plots in R
Tutorial on how to create forest plots in R
Decision Tree Model in R Tutorial
This decision tree model uses R to generate the incremental cost, incremental outcomes, and incremental cost-effectiveness ratio. It also include R code for performing a one-way sensitivity analysis and constructing a tornado diagram.
Using inverse probability of treatment weights & Marginal structural models to handle time-varying covariates
Simple example illustrating the benefits of applying inverse probability of treatment weights fitted to a marginal structural model.
bayesAB exercise
This is a short exercise created by BC Mullins for the bayesAB package.
Bayesian meta-analsis using JAGS
This is a tutorial to perform meta-analyses using Bayesian methods with JAGS in the R environment.