

Levi Waldron

Recently Published

Summarize curatedMetagenomicData samples
Create a giant Table 1 of a few select curatedMetagenomicData variables, stratified by study.
Alternatives to summary()
Alternatives to summary()
Stepwise treadmill test
Change-point model of stepwise treadmill test
Manual merge of CHS 2018-2020
Note that this is a workaround for the harmonized weights that NYCDOHMH can provide.
Anscombe residuals plots
PCA part 1
List all species present in CRC datasets
This analysis selects a subset of samples (all CRC-related in this example), sorts those those species in order of descending prevalence, then displays a table of prevalences and writes the prevalences to file.
IBS signatures analysis
COVID signatures analysis
curatedMetagenomicData for Machine Learning
These datasets have case-control labels (study_condition) and two or more independent datasets. It produces two versions: a TreeSummarizedExperiment containing all sample metadata and a phylogenetic tree, and a csv file containing only taxonomic data and a few key metadata columns.
Applied Statistics for High-throughput Biology Day 4
## Day 4 outline [Book]( chapter 8: - Distances in high dimensions - Principal Components Analysis and Singular Value Decomposition - Multidimensional Scaling - Batch Effects (Chapter 10)
Applied Statistics for High-throughput Biology: Session 2
Session 2 outline Hypothesis testing for categorical variables Resampling methods Exploratory data analysis
Applied Statistics for High-throughput Biology: Session 1
Day 1 outline * Some essential R classes and related Bioconductor classes * Random variables and distributions * Hypothesis testing for one or two samples (t-test, Wilcoxon test, etc) * Confidence intervals * Introduction to dplyr Book chapters 0 and 1
assignment 3 demo
code loading and ioslides demo
BRFSS recode
Applied Statistics for High-throughput Biology 2019, Day 4
- Distances in high dimensions - Principal Components Analysis - Multidimensional Scaling - Batch Effects
Applied Statistics for High-throughput Biology Day 3
* Multiple linear regression + Continuous and categorical predictors + Interactions * Model formulae * Generalized Linear Models + Linear, logistic, log-Linear links + Poisson, Negative Binomial error distributions * Multiple Hypothesis Testing Textbook sources: * Chapter 5: Linear models * Chapter 6: Inference for high-dimensional data
Applied Statistics for High-throughput Biology 2019, Day 2
- Hypothesis testing for categorical variables - Fisher's Exact Test and Chi-square Test - Resampling methods + Permutation Tests + Cross-validation + Bootstrap - Exploratory data analysis
Applied Statistics for High-throughput Biology 2019, Day 1
## Day 1 outline - Some essential R classes and related Bioconductor classes - Introduction to `dplyr` - Random variables and distributions - Hypothesis testing for one or two samples (t-test, Wilcoxon test, etc) - Confidence intervals
Guess the professor's age!
A survey of Prof Waldron's age to help think about confidence intervals.
NYCHANES smoking analysis
UNIVR Applied Statistics for High-throughput Biology 2019: Day 4
This workshop demonstrates data management and analyses of multiple assays associated with a single set of biological specimens, using the `MultiAssayExperiment` data class and methods.
UNIVR Applied Statistics for High-throughput Biology 2019: Day 2
* Multiple linear regression + Continuous and categorical predictors + Interactions * Model formulae * Generalized Linear Models + Linear, logistic, log-Linear links + Poisson, Negative Binomial error distributions * Multiple Hypothesis Testing
Guess Professor Waldron's age
An example for improving intuition and interpretation of confidence intervals
AnnotationHub Simple Demo
An encode track
Workflow for multi-omics analysis with MultiAssayExperiment
This workshop demonstrates data management and analyses of multiple assays associated with a single set of biological specimens, using the `MultiAssayExperiment` data class and methods. It introduces the `RaggedExperiment` data class, which provides efficient and powerful operations for representation of copy number and mutation and variant data that are represented by different genomic ranges for each specimen.
EPIC 2018 - linear modeling lab
EPIC 2018 - intro lecture
EPIC 2018 - intro lab
curatedMetagenomicData, distances, PCA / PCoA
Guess the Professors' Ages
Results of a survey given in BIOS 611 in 2015 and 2017
oral papillomavirus in cMD
messy example analysis
Lecture: linear modeling for microbiome data in R/Bioconductor
## Outline * Multiple linear regression + Continuous and categorical predictors + Interactions * Model formulae * Design matrix * Generalized Linear Models + Linear, logistic, log-Linear links + Poisson, Negative Binomial error distributions + Zero inflation
Lecture: Exploratory analysis of microbiome data in R/Bioconductor
## Outline - Statistical properties of metagenomic data - Distances for high dimensional data - Principal Components and Principal Coordinates Analysis - Alpha diversity
Applied Statistics for High-throughput Biology Day 2: distances, PCA, batch effects
Distances in high dimensions Principal Components Analysis Multidimensional Scaling Batch Effects Book chapter 7
Applied Statistics for High-throughput Biology Day 3: categorical data, exploratory data analysis
- Inference in high dimensions: multiple testing - Hypothesis testing for categorical variables - Fisher's Exact Test and Chi-square Test - Exploratory data analysis
Applied Statistics for High-throughput Biology Day 2: linear models
Linear and Generalized Linear Models, multiple testing
Applied Statistics for High-Throughput Biology 2017, day 1
Introduction to random variables and to R
CSAMA 2017 - Resampling Methods
Resampling: cross-validation, bootstrap, and permutation tests
Resampling Methods
Iowa Institute of Human Genetics 2017 bioinformatics short course
Analysis of Microbiome Data
Iowa Institute of Human Genetics 2017 bioinformatics short course
Book club - distances
Data Analysis for the Life Sciences, Chapter 8 section 1
BIOS 621 session 5
Loglinear models part 2
Pokemon GO data analysis with dplyr and ggplot2
BIOS 621 session 3
GLM review, interactions, model matrices
BIOS 621 session 2
Logistic regression as a GLM
BIOS 621 session 1
CSAMA 2016 Meta-analysis
curatedMetagenomicData and ExperimentHub example
A short demonstration of curatedMetagenomicData and ExperimentHub
Statistical analysis for metagenomic data
Focus on exploratory data analysis and regression
Applied Statistics for High-throughput Biology: Session 5
Distances, SVD, PCA, MDS
Trento Session 4 Lecture
Applied Statistics for High-throughput Biology: Session 3
Hypothesis testing
Trento Session 1 Lecture
Random Variables Intro to R
MultiAssayExperiment demonstration vignette
A demonstration of the use of MultiAssayExperiment on a toy dataset
Publish Document
Case study in meta-analysis of survival-associated genes in ovarian cancer
biocMultiAssay vignette
Meta-analysis for genomic data
Creating an eHub for TCGA ovarian cancer dataset.
OVC multi-assay QC analysis
Vignette for copy number / expression quality control analysis of TCGA ovarian cancer.
Iris dataset regression examples
for R Bootcamp August 19 2014
Introduction to R graphics
for R Bootcamp August 9, 2014