

Duncan Golicher

Recently Published

Fires in the USA and Hawaii
Replication of the Met Office prediction of CO2 concentrations in 2023
Central Asian climate data
Heat waves in the UK
French heat waves
Madagascan meterological data
Brit awards artists
World bucket model
Sea level changes
Historical climate data
UAH atmospheric temperature anomalies
Fires in the British Isles
Fires detected by Modis from 2000 to 2020
Western Canadian heat wave
Modelling spread over a network
Care homes georeferenced
Work in progress. To be linked to other analyses
Modis fire points
Fires plotted as kernel densities
Births deaths and migration in the USA 2011 to 2019
A quick analysis of census data
Deaths in over 75s UK
React one prevalence map
Data from
Admissions to accident and emergency (A&E) England
STFM mortality data for key countries
Data from
Update case numbers at MSOE level
Covid case numbers at MSOE level
Ages of deaths reported by the USA CDC
Data from
Case numbers week 41 mapped with universities
COVID-19 cases (number of people with a lab-confirmed positive test result) in England by Middle Super Output Area (MSOA). MSOAs are small areas with around 7,200 average population. The data are updated each weekday, and show the latest 7 days for which near-complete data are available. University campus sites added to the map
Excess death analysis starter
Some ideas regarding how to extract excess deaths using mixed effects generalized additive modelling to pool countries.
CDC flu view summary
Plot of total laboratory recorded positive tests for all flu strains in the USA. Data from
Google mobility for US states
A quick visualisation of Google mobility data for visits to retail and recreation in the USA
Searchable CDC mortality data
A quick reformat of CDC data for easy searching. No analysis and figures at present.
CDC deaths
TB vs Covid 19
A really great data visualisation from UK Office for national statistics
World development indicators
Easy search to find codes
Google mobility report
Percent positive Covid tests per region
Data from public health Englsnd
Outbreaks of acute respiratory illness in Egland
Data from last page of spreadsheet
Heuristic modelling of Covid
Heuristic modelling of the Covid pandemic using data from Johns Hokins and SIR models
Weekly deahs from ONS
John Hopkins Covid-19 data in convenient format
R code to download and format the John Hopkins covid data for analysis in R or other software. Data are aggregated to country and joined to form a single searchable data frame.
Automated bird watching
Object identification
Edina map
Analysis of Spotify revenue
Wave Chase audio features
Simple text processing
Han's Roslin type bubble plots
Ancover and mixed effects
Fitting curves crib sheet
Simple tests crib sheet
Quick access to code for simple statistical tests
Regresion and anova crib sheet
Quick code access for fitting simple linear models
Oxford met office data
Hurn Met office data
Bayesian one way analysis of variance
Simple example of pooled and unpooled variance models of ANOVA using JAGS
Simple example of Bayesian inference
A very simple example.
GIS crib sheet
Quick editing of maps
More detail needed. Quick crib sheet on editing maps
Bayesian credible intervals for diversity indices
Using Jags to calculate credible intervals for species diversity indices.
Mapedit polygon capture
Quick polygon capture from R
Monkswood maps
Temporary table for Markus
Publish Document
Simple tables
Need to work on presentation
LES NSS scores
NSS questions benchmarking for BU
Boxplots and raw data tables of NSS scores per question for all UK institutions.
Overall NSS scores 2018
Histograms for Bournemouth and searchable data table
Loading into monkswood data base
Some potentially useful examples of the use of sf on my server
Starting off getting the movement data into R
Analysing wave frequencies
Analysing Likert scale satisfaction scores
Investigating methods for analysing satisfaction scores
Quick solution to Euclidean TSP problem
For Andy Ford
Cricket innings and survival analysis
Analysing batsmen't innings using survival analysis.
Changes in the probability of drawn matches
Further analysis of test match scores, inspired by Geoffrey Boycott
Boycott in context
Boycotts's scoring rate placed in the context of the modern game
Has batting in test cricket changed?
First innings totals and scoring rates analysed using splines and linear mixed effects.
Downloading cricket statistics
Pull down and compile data on all batsmen's innings up to August 2017
Alaska NOAA climate stations
Regression plus
Shiny app
Publish Document
Starting MoRph
Publish Document
Aggregating a canopy height model to a PostGIS vector graticule.
Lidar processsing using QGIS, LAStools and R
Simple processing of lidar point clouds and data extraction to polygons using R.
Publish Document
Analysis of UK referendum
Reformatting the data scraped from the BBC election results site by
Testing simple package buidling in RStudio
CHIRPS 1 al 10
Adding bootstrap confidence intervals for the median to boxplots
Adding bootstrap confidence intervals for the median to boxplots
Effect of water depth on weed
Building a JSON data store
Fitting models of clustering
Working with PostGIS from R
Example analysis for Geostats course,Quebec.
Choosing a test
Ecoregion clustering
Quick test of concept.
Analysis of metal ion concentrations
Student data
Testing the Google Vis charts
The wettest June on record?
Analysing some climate records from the UK met office.
Testing the Google Vis charts