

Thieu Nguyen

Recently Published

Fix DADA2 Errors Related to Loading Rcpp in R
DADA2 needed for QIIME2 in Targeted gene metagenomic data analysis
ChIP-seq Data Analysis - Part 1
identify and understand the binding sites of DNA-associated proteins (such as transcription factors, histones, or chromatin remodelers) across the genome.
Determine Fetal Gender Using cfDNA Sequences
This post shows how to determine the fetal gender using cfDNA as in NIPT test.
FastQC and fastx_toolkit programs
Analyzing .fatsq File Genome Data Using Linux Combinned with R
Download .fastq file from NBCI then analyze in Linux and R
Gene Alignment Blast
Combining R and Unix to analysis genome data using alignment Blast
PLINK for genomic data analysis
Install PLINK and run it in R to analyze genomic data from doi:10.5061/dryad.v8g21pt
Using EHR data to build machine learning models to predict the likelihood that a patient could be readmitted to hospital within 30 days after discharging. This post aimed at showing how to process EHR data before building machine learning models.
The readmission rate is an important KPI to measure the percentage of patients who are admitted to hospitals again after a specific time duration such as 30 days
Fixing Errors When Importing csv Tables into pgadmin4
Fixing errors when importing csv tables into pgadmin4
Survival Analysis Using Python
Dataset here is about cancer survival time among patients with and without chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, amputation ...
Event Detection With Time Series Data Using Python
Building ML models to predict events using time series data from EHR
EHR Data: Machine Learning Classification Models with Time Series Data
This post imitates the time series data extracted form EHR.
Machine Learning Models for Forecasting California's Housing Prices
Building machine learning models to forecast prices of California' houses
S&P500 Stocks Analysis Using SLTM Model
Getting stock data of S&P500 from Yahoo Finance to forcast the change of values in near future.
Stock Market Analysis Using Python Model of SLTM
Re-analyze From Kagkle
SLTM Time Series Analysis Using Python
Building SLTM model for time series analysis
Heart Disease Classification Models
Using machine learning classification models to predict heart disease
Cholesterol Machine Learning Models Using Python
Building machine learning models for target variable 'Cholesterol' using Python
Cholesterol Linear Regression Using Python
Building a linear regression model for cholesterol in Python
Heart Disease Logistic Regression Using Python
Building logistic regression model for heart disease using Python
Product Sales Analyzed Using Python
Product Sales Analyzed Using Python
Pens & Printers Project Using SAS
Using SAS to process data of Pens & Printers project
SAS Notes
some usefull notes for SAS users
Pens and Printers's Sale Campaign
Analyzing data in order to find the best methods to sale the products. This is my practical exam for Data Analyst Professional certificate from
Discretizing Continuous Data in Python
Chia nhóm các biến số liên tục trong Python
Ranking Within Groups in Python
Ranking by groups in Python
Math Equations in Rmarkdown
Some notes for inserting math equations in Rmarkdown
R Loops: lapply, sapply, split to calculat multiple colmeans by groups
Dùng các functions lapply, sapply, split để tính đồng thời mean, sum, min, max của các biến số (collumn) theo các groups (một biến số factor khác)
Data Preparation in R
Data description and replaciing missing data
Giải Thích về Đường Cong ROC Trong Xét Nghiệm Chẩn Đoán
Vễ ROC corve, tính AUC, sensitivity, specificity, FP, FN ...
Working With Tables
Hiệu chỉnh RRs, ORs về biến số thứ ba (RRs, ORs adjusted for the third variables)
Multiple Continuous Variable Summary
Lập bảng tóm tắt nhiều biến số liên tục về mean, median, min, max, sd
Add an Average Moving Line to Chart
Vẽ thêm đường biến thiên trung bình vào biểu đồ
Survival data Manipulation
Xử lí dữ liệu thời gian trong phân tích survival
Counting AE in Clinical Research
Đếm số AE, số người bị AE và tần suất của những AE
Ranking Within Groups
Lọc các rows theo ranking của giá trị trong mỗi nhóm
Recoding values in R
Đặt lại các giá trị (values) cho các biến số categorical và numeric
Useful statistical calculators
Biểu Đồ Có 2 Y axis
So sánh 2 biến trên cùng một biểu đồ với 2 trục Y
How Old Are Data Scientists
Aggregate Functions With SQL
Online SQL Practicing
Practicing SQL Excercises
Text Data Cleaning
LMMs With Longitudinal Dat
LMMs With Longitudinal Dat
Linear Mixed Effect Models
Linear Mixed Effect Models
T.test Calculator
Data Cleaning
Bạo Hành Y Tế
Choropleth Maps
Bao Hanh Y Te o Viet Nam
Health Violence
Asian University Ranking 2018
Time-dependent Covariates
Bayes Logistic Regression
naiveBayes vs stan_glm
Một ví dụ về bẫy dữ liệu trong phân tích thống kê
Limits in fitting a distribution
Specifying A Distribution From Data
Xác định phân phối phù hợp của một biến số liên tục