

zhenning xu

Recently Published

Anomaly Chart of the S&P 500 from 2024 to 2025
Anomaly Chart of the S&P 500 from 2024 to 2025 using stock data from 1/31/2024 to 1/31/2025
Jimmy Xu - About Me
Plot Life Expectancy vs. GDP Per Capita
Plot Life Expectancy vs. GDP Per Capita
The MACD figure for SunRun
About me
Merry Christmas
Retail Store Location Analysis for In-N-Out Burger with R
In this tutorial, we analyze the retail expansion strategy for In-N-Out Burger using R.
Retail Store Location Analysis for In-N-Out Burger with R
In this tutorial, we analyze the retail expansion strategy for In-N-Out Burger using R.
Retail Store Location Analysis with R (draft)
In this tutorial, we evaluate retail store locations using real-world city data. The analysis includes median household income, population, and competitor count.
Did Taylor Swift’s endorsement of Kamala Harris last night spark a rise in "register to vote" searches in key swing regions?
Taylor Swift encourages people to vote in the Presidential election during her #VMAs speech: “If you’re over 18 please register to vote for something else that is important — the Presidential election.” The Tweet had millions of likes and retweets. Did Taylor Swift’s endorsement of Kamala Harris spark a rise in 'register to vote' searches in key swing regions?
Did Taylor Swift’s endorsement of Kamala Harris last night spark a rise in "register to vote" searches in key swing regions?
Taylor Swift encourages people to vote in the Presidential election during her #VMAs speech: “If you’re over 18 please register to vote for something else that is important — the Presidential election.”
Did Taylor Swift’s endorsement of Kamala Harris last night spark a rise in "register to vote" searches in key swing regions?
Taylor Swift encourages people to vote in the Presidential election during her #VMAs speech: “If you’re over 18 please register to vote for something else that is important — the Presidential election.”
Unemployment Rate by State in July 2024
Unemployment Rates by State and Governor's Party Affiliation
Data source:
plotly - NVDA
Plot - HITS
Scraping Google Trends Data and Building Interactive Dashboards (maps) with R
Estimated time to download data manually and build a map - more than 10 mins if you were to use Tableau (see the example here: Estimated time to scrape Google Trends data and build a customized map to show two layers of information using R - 30 seconds to 1 min
Interactive Mapping in R 3
This updated map uses a customized function and shows both the state names and the values for each location.
Interactive Mapping in R 2
Interactive mapping with labels
GE - SELF Assessment Report (2024)
The assessment report is created for free using R, RStudio, and Plotly. R is extremely useful when it comes to documentation. There are definitely many other choices available. However, using R may allow us to save time for future assessments. Some results are included for documentation purposes. It is recommended that you read the graphs and the descriptions only.
stock analysis
NVDA stock predction
Avocado - Exploratory Analysis
My 3rd week lab submission.
about me
About me
This Christmas tree is designed using the ggplot2 package available in R.
stackoverflow challenge 2023
Calendar 2023
This calendar is made using the package "calendR". See the tutorial here:
Plot - Amazon vs. Tesla
MKTG4060 -Course Schedule
MKTG4000 -Course Schedule
LDA analysis - 2
Twitter sentiment analysis
Reddit data analysis - 1
Meetup Event - 2-28-2023
Avocado - Exploratory Analysis
Predictive Analysis
Text analysis
avocado sales
Predictive Analysis
Avocado Pricing - Exercise
Dodgers stadium
Customer churn analysis
t test
Basic Mapping with R
R dashboad
Dashboard demo
Simple Text Aalysis - Demo
Avocado Pricing
AB Testing
Dashboard design
AB testing
MKTG4000, csub
Happy Valentine's Day
Avocado Pricing
AB Testing
NBA Players Dashboard (2008)
Kmeans clustering using the dataset consumer_segmentation.csv
Kmeans clustering using the dataset consumer_segmentation.csv
From Data to Pixels
Research Design
Factor analysis
Avocado Pricing at Retail
SEO Basics
Conjoint analysis
Presentation - Topic modeling1
For the BPA Faculty research symposium on Feb 28, 2020
Presentation - Topic modeling
For the BPA Faculty research symposium on Feb 28, 2020
Mapping 1000 Twitter users
For the BPA Faculty research symposium on Feb 28, 2020
Presentation - Topic modeling1
For the BPA Faculty research symposium on Feb 28, 2020
Fall 2019 wrapup
Presentation - Word Prediction App
The goal of this project is to create a dashboard (app) to provide an interface that can be used to make predictions based on natural language processing algorithms. This slide deck consists of slides pitching the algorithm and the app.
regression analysis
Map - leaflet
Using webscrapping and visualization to analyze NBA games
Playing basketball is my hobby. I enjoy playing it even though I am not good at it at all! Watching NBA games is a luxury for me.However, valuing player’s performance predicting a future star seems to be pretty interesting! The goal of this case analysis is to present a solution to scrap NBA data and to analyze using basic viausaliation techniques. Which player has the best performance? I just found something very counterintuitive!!! Will do some more analysis when I have some free time this summer!
Predictive Model for Los Angeles Dodgers Promotion and Attendance
It is tough to make good predictions. The numerous factors or variables, independent and dependent, involved in many sporting events contribute to the unpredictability. However, using carefully-selected variables, it is still possible to make marketing promotions more accountable. The goal of this case study is to analyze if bobblehead promotions increase attendance at Dodgers home games. Using the fitted predictive model we can predict the attendance for the game in the forthcomming season and we can predict the attendance with or without bobblehead promotion.
Marketing is fun - ADMSSC- AMA
This YouTube video event is designed to challenge undergraduate students to interview a marketing manager or promote a new idea or a product. This year, we got 4 YouTube video submissions. Among them, three are from Jimmy Xu's Intro to Marketing class, and one is from Professor Carl Blue’s Technology Management class.
Query Google Trends using R - your new digital marketing secret weapon
In this tutorial, I introduce the tool by accessing it directly through a web browser to extract data and analyze it in R.  In particular, the main package used will be “gtrendsR” (intro to this package available at